Review: BindoGPS on iPhone

Bindo LogoIf you are a hiker, a runner or just anyone who likes to keep track of where you’ve been, then BindoGPS, is the application for you.

This is another Hong Kong built iPhone application from the growing iPhone development community here in Hong Kong. It is the newest among these applications: Darkroom (currently not compatible with iPhone firmware 3.0), Finger and HK Movie. The latter I will have an upcoming review.

Bindo Marker PhotoBindoGPS is great when you want to record the track you took during your hike, or if you’re a runner you can use it to supplement your training; unfortunately, it does not yet allow the export of tracks in GPX or KML format. Although, has just added the ability to see the tracks you’ve recorded using the BindoGPS iPhone application on your iPhone.

BindoGPS’ ability to use either a photo from the iPhone’s photo albums or instantly capture it with the iPhone built in camera, as a waypoint is particularly useful if you want to record visual memory of your hike or conditions of a location during your run.

Bindo Track DetailsAdditional benefits to hikers is its track details view. Where it shows the user’s current speed, direction and altitude. This is accomplished using the geo-coordinates and the history of the track, so this feature works even on the previous generations of iPhones (ie. iPhone, iPhone 3G) and iPod Touch.

Bindo Waypoint ListThe list of tracks (trips) you made with BindoGPS can be seen including a summary of distance travelled and direction of the track.

This also make it easy to backtrack on a track to its starting point. Especially with the iPhone 3GS’s built in compass.

This useful little program is available on Apple iTunes App Store for USD4.99.

Note: screen shots provided by @Thomashk author of BindoGPS.

1 Comment

  1. Hi Man.i have use BindoGPS its ver nice application and also agree with you iPhone development community here in Hong Kong.

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